Access AI & ChatGPT from WhatsAPP

Discover AI easily on WhatsApp - no installations required!

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More than Just ChatGPT

Create images, transcribe voice notes, summarize YouTube videos, and more!

AI Images

Type a scene description and receive an image generated by AI, right on WhatsApp!

Voice Note transcription

Send audio notes to GPT! Transcribe, summarize, or simply use it to communicate with GPT.

YouTube Summarization

Condense podcasts, documentaries, and more into just a few paragraphs.


Speak your mind to AI

You can use your voice to speak unstructured thinking. GPT can then help you organize your thoughts, create personalized task lists, and more... just by speaking to it!

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Unleash your creativity

Join the generative AI movement and create AI images simply and easily

Anything you can imagine

Type `/image` in WhatsApp, followed by an image description, and get an image within seconds.

Share it easily within WhatsApp

Easily share and distribute your creations to your friends and family in a familiar environment. Whatsapp!

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Join a large community of AI lovers

Multiple Language Support

You can talk to GPT in any language. Special commands available in 4 languages. More soon!

Easy to use

Simple operation accessible to anyone. Thousands of people discover AI via WhatsApp everyday.

Privacy focus

You can instruct the chatbot to delete your history at any time


Choose a plan and get started

Pay as You Go

€1.49/one off

Start discovering AI at your own pace.

30 prompts to use within the next 30 days
Access to base services (text, image)
Choose Plan
Hero monthly


Generous AI usage every month.

150 propts to use monthly
Access to all services (text, audio, video, images)
Choose plan
Unlimited monthly


The most comprehensive plan.

Unlimited prompts
Access to all services (text, audio, video, images)
Choose Plan

What Users Say

"ChatGPT has transformed the way I work. The voice note transcription feature is incredibly helpful for organizing my thoughts and ideas."

Aarav P
Software Developer (New Delhi, India)

"The seamless integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp has made it even more convenient to access the powerful AI tools I use daily."

Fatima Z.
Digital Marketer (Casablanca, Morocco)

"I love the generative AI images! It's amazing how I can simply describe a scene, and ChatGPT creates a unique image based on my description."

Mei L
Graphic Designer

" I highly recommend ChatGPT for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and creativity."

Sofia K
Journalist (Athens, Greece)

"ChatGPT's ability to summarize YouTube videos has saved me countless hours in research. I can easily gather key points and create engaging content for my audience."

Diego R.
UX Designer (São Paulo, Brazil)

"ChatGPT's WhatsApp integration has made a huge difference in how I manage my daily tasks. I'm more productive and efficient than ever before!"

Isabella G.
Photographer (Sydney, Australia)